To Stay In Shape And Stay At Home Remember To M.O.V.E.

By: Jeremy Robinson, Certified Personal Trainer

Many of us were all hit with the devastating news that our gyms were closing indefinitely due to the recent pandemic. This has completely upended our lives because many of us visit this place every day and twice a day for some.

Now that we can’t visit the “iron paradise” as The Rock calls it, we’re left feeling like: “What now?”

With everything going on it is very easy to become discouraged because you feel like there’s nothing for you to do because you lack the same equipment that your gym has. Then we add anxiety on top of that because there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. This nervousness could just be a general feeling of uneasiness throughout the day, a restless night with no sleep, or a full-fledged anxiety attack. Even with anxiety creeping in there has never been a better time to stay active than now.

Jeremy Robinson

It becomes very hard to turn our bodies off when we’ve gotten used to a certain level of daily activity. Not to mention going from consistent daily activity to pretty much daily sedentariness. This has created two types of people– the group of who refuses to allow this time to limit their level of activity and cause a major setback from all the hard work they’ve been putting in this year. Then there’s the other group of people who have totally accepted not be as physically active during this time. Those individuals are probably working from home and they’re locked in, sitting at their computers trying to complete as much work as possible only to get up to use the bathroom, grab a bite to eat or maybe address their loved ones every now and then.

In order to remain sane, keep away from all that’s being shown on the news outlets and to remain in some type of physical health we must M.O.V.E. — Make Opportunities, Vacate Excuses.

The first part of M.O.V.E. is moving away from our televisions. Continuing to watch the influx of Covid-19 cases or the panic that sweeping the nation is enough to drive anyone insane during this period of quarantine.

Second, we must move away from our computers. If you are working from home it is important to force yourself to get up and away from the computer every 45 minutes to give yourself a break. Get the blood flowing in your limbs and extremities by simply walking around your home for a few minutes.

Lastly, we may need to move away from our homes. This means taking a brief walk around your neighborhood while remaining socially distant from others. We must also continue to incorporate some sort of 30-45 min. exercise routine into our day. Exercise combines all parts of M.O.V.E. while also providing all the additional benefits that comes with exercising.

Here is a quick 30-minute exercise routine that you can perform each day you’re under quarantine until we’re back to a state of normalcy.


Perform four rounds of this routine with 60-90 second rest after each set.

  • Jumping Jacks – 25 Reps
  • Bodyweight Squats – 25 Reps
  • Low/High Reaches (standing in an erect position, touch the floor and then reach for the sky while going onto your toes) – 15 Reps
  • 30 Punches to the front
  • 30 Cross Punches (punching across your body)
  • Push-Ups – 10-20 Reps
  • Mountain Climbers – 30 Reps
  • Plank – 10-30 sec.

Try doing this and possibly increasing the number of reps you’re doing each day.

Jeremy Robinson is a certified (NASM) personal trainer and fitness instructor. He trains clients all over the Southern NJ region in their homes, gyms, and outdoors. Follow Jeremy at @gods_son_jay@j_fitness4u, or @JFitness Jeremy Robinson.